"Ақмола облысы білім басқармасының Целиноград ауданы бойынша білім бөлімі Талапкер ауылының жалпы орта білім беретін мектебі" коммуналдық мемлекеттік мекемесі
Коммунальное государственное учреждение "Общеобразовательная школа села Талапкер отдела образования по  Целиноградскому району управления образования Акмолинской области"

Ашық сабақ: "Types of writing" пән мұғалімі:Dyusembaeva S.E, сынып: 5

Lesson plan


Reading for pleasure

Teacher name:

Dyusembaeva S.E



Grade: 5

Number present:


Theme of the lesson:







Types of writing

Learning objectives

5. L1 Learn about different types of writing

5. U1 Use wh- and how questions


Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to  

Understand about the types of writing

Most learners will be able to

Ask questions with wh- and how questions

Some learners will be able to

Understand stories in the past

Lesson structure

Planned timings

Teacher activities

Student activities


Beginning the lesson

5 min

1. Organization  moment


-Asking about the weather


Greet the teacher

Answer the questions



Main Activities

5 min

















7 min
































10 min





























Dividing into two groups by using the two types of literature.

1 group: Fiction

2 group: Non fiction









Main Part.

 Ybyray Altynsaryn is Kazakh educater, innovator and organizer of new schools, poet, writer, translater.





Ybyray Altynsaryn


 Joanne Rowling is a British author, film producer, and screenwriter. She is the author of the Harry Potter




    Joanne Rowling

 (31 July 1965) (age 56)


 Types of writing

Crime novel- қылмыстық роман

Fairy tale- ертегі

Classic novel- классикалық роман

Legend- аңыз

Poem- өлең

Play- ойнау (спектакль)

Horror- қорқынышты

Fantasy novel- фантастикалық роман   


Ex.1 Match the types of writing 1-7 with a-g.

1. Crime novel                       a. Frankenstein

2.  Fairy tale                            b. Sherlock Holmes

3. Classic novel                       c. Abay Zholy

4. Legend                                d. winter

5. Poem                                   e. Aldar kose

6. Horror                                  f. Harry Potter

7. Fantasy novel                      g. Beauty and the Beast


Answer the questions

  1. What’s your favourite Fairy tale?
  2. Who is your favourite character?
  3. How many types of writing do you know?

Special questions

These questions begin with the following question words: Who, what, which, where, when, why, how, how many, how much, how long, how often.



Playing ‘Domino’ game


Ex.2 Complete the questions with a wh- or how question word.

Who    which    How    What   Where   Why    When


  1. _________ is your class teacher?
  2. _________ subject do you likew best at school?
  3. _________ do you like this subject best?
  4. _________ do you get to school?
  5. _________ do eat for lunch?


Children choose the books.








































Repeat the words


















Answer the questions












Play game

Many types of books









































































Domino cards




Last 5min





Home task: Make 5 interrogative sentences with special questions.

Giving feedback: Express your reflection about lesson.




Sts reflect the lesson










Жаңартылған күні: 14.02.2022 13:59
Құрылған күні: 14.02.2022 13:59

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